We already feel a huge sense of mission at Priority Plastics. We’ve all been clearly impacted by the recent events surrounding the COVID-19 social distancing and business suspension regulatory actions. Our work force has risen to the challenge.
With plants in various states across the US, we are responding to varying degrees of regulatory guidance – however, Priority Plastics is classified as a “critical infrastructure supplier”. This means our role in supplying packaging products to the food, chemical, cleaning, consumer goods and disinfecting wipes industries is essential to the USA’s safety and security.
That is a huge responsibility. And, our teams have met and exceeded the expectations placed upon them. It is critical that our plants remain open and that we continue to focus on the needs of our customers in this time of great uncertainty. Of equal importance is balancing the health and safety of our workers and that of their work environments.
Critical Infrastructure Supplier
We take great pride in what we do. Even more so today – as, we come to realize how critical the products we make are to our end users and the tens of thousands of consumers our products directly impact.
PriorityPour Tight Heads. We have noted a significant increase in interest in these versatile containers as storage solutions for liquids of all types: bleaches, cleaning supplies and disinfectants, soaps and detergents. They are also being used for water storage for bulk portability and emergencies. Our Portland, IN plant has capacity to process additional demand.
Rigid, Clear Food-Safe Containers. (PET and PVC) This class of containers is indispensable to the needs of non-perishable food manufacturers; GFSI-certified/safe quality food for nuts, popcorn, pretzels and snack foods alike. Our hexagon shapes are IDEAL for retail display of small bottles of sanitizing gels and liquids. We have noted a sizable up-tick in the manufacture and shipping of these containers that range from 30 to 129 ounces in total volume.
Turnkey Wipe Containers. Our Grinnell, IA facility is diligently working to meet demand for these lidded containers that dispense single-use sanitary wipes for a variety of end-use industries. We see our products used in numerous clinical and healthcare markets. We are presently at 100% production capacity for the near term. Priority Plastics is providing secure sanitation containers that are impacting the front-line battle against bacteria and pathogens.
We are making products that will help America move safely through this public health crisis. Now and always, we are immensely proud of that – and, proud of our people. They are rising to the demands being made of them and helping move us through this crisis together.