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COVID-19: Our Company Response

RE: COVID-19 Announcement – March 24 2020 STATUS UPDATE

Dear Valued Customers,

Realizing that communication remains critical during these unprecedented times, I would like to give you a quick update on the current situation at Priority Plastics.

Many of our customers are concerned about our plant operations as state and local authorities execute shelter-in-place legislation or similar versions of such.

Pursuant to Presidential Policy Directive 21 (PPD-21), Priority Plastics is a critical infrastructure supplier of packaging products to the food, chemical, cleaning, consumer goods and disinfecting wipes industries designated by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) of the Department of Homeland Security whose assets, systems, and networks, whether physical or virtual, are considered so vital to the U.S. that their incapacitation or destruction would have a debilitating effect on security, national economic security, national public health or safety, or any combination thereof. For questions, email: [email protected].

Based on this designation, all Priority Plastics plants are in full operational mode.

Like many of you, we do have colleagues working from home and a degree of absenteeism within our workforce. We are doing everything possible to maintain our production rates and deliver quality products while simultaneously protecting the critical safety levels of our workforce.

All of us at Priority Plastics wish you good health and pledge our enduring support to meet the demands of your business.

Best Regards,


D. Scott Dowrey President


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RE:  COVID-19 Announcement – March 20, 2020

Dear Valued Customers,

Communication is critical during these unprecedented times, I would like to give you a quick update on the current situation at Priority Plastics.

Over the past two weeks, our Executive Leadership Team has actively prepared the company to develop protocol directed to limit the spread of COVID-19 while at the same time continuing to supply critical packaging needed for the industries we serve. Our plants supply products to the food industry, cleaning and chemical industry and personal hygiene products for multiple industries. Meeting the demands of our customers in these markets continues to be our focused mission.

Many of you have contacted us for more information on our contingency plans. Our plans are very simplistic and fluid with changes made on a 24-hour basis. I can assure you that everything we are doing and every decision made is being driven by the guiding principles listed below. Priority Plastics will continue to:

  • Monitor and follow the recommendation of the CDC, Presidential Task Force and state/local authorities.
  • Keep our manufacturing environments safe with an increased focus on constant sanitizing of those environments. The health and safety of our colleagues is paramount.
  • Limit exposure to our manufacturing facilities from outside visitors and non-essential internal colleagues.
  • Manufacture products at the highest production level possible including adapting underutilized assets to meet accelerated demand.
  • Facilitate constant communication with our colleagues and customers at every level.

At this moment, all of our manufacturing facilities are in full production mode. We are experiencing longer lead times in our Denver (PET/PVC) and Grinnell (HDPE Canisters and Wipes) plants. We have open capacity for our tight head customers in our Portland plant due to our most recent machine investments.

As you are all aware, our situation is fluid and can change rapidly.  I would encourage all of you to understand this as you evaluate your supply chain. Many of our customers are increasing their forecasts, orders and inventories well above normal demand.  Communication with your Priority Plastics Commercial Team Member is critical as we all work toward meeting every customer demand.   

All of us at Priority Plastics wish you good health and pledge our enduring support to meet the demands of your business.

Best Regards,

D. Scott Dowrey,

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