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One of the ways we at Priority Plastics address our internal and external sustainability goals is by offering a more customized selection of lightweight containers.


Products marked with this symbol are available in light-weight versions.  These items are produced using 20% less resins. Lighter weights without compromising durability.


Our entire inventory of PET containers can be manufactured to light weight specifications. 

Additionally, a select number HDPE products including canistersdry pack towel wipes and tight heads can be ‘light-weighted” – and, produced with lighter overall weights.  

This product group reduces the overall carbon footprint by using 20% less resins and has lighter weights for shipping and delivery.

Less plastic, but still made to our exacting specifications for safety and longevity.

Priority Plastics will help you address sustainability goals.

Priority Plastics can also typically reduce part weight of stock products by 10% to 15%. Custom products can also see weight reductions in similar ranges. Priority Plastics has succeeded in reducing weight by as much as 40% in some specific applications.

Protecting the earth is a priority and we are always exploring new ways to expand our sustainability efforts. In addition to our internal efforts to be compliant and reduce our overall carbon footprint, we also work with corporations to help them attain their sustainability goals by offering sustainable production solutions as well as creating custom package redesign programs that address issues of sustainability.

Overall, plastics are lighter and more efficient than many alternatives. Their lighter weight reduces their environmental footprint by decreasing waste, energy use and carbon emissions. Further, these lightweight and sustainable options help Priority Plastics achieve our continuous-improvement goal to reduce our overall environmental impact.


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