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As much as we at Priority Plastics take pride in the PET and HDPE packages we manufacture, it’s clear to us that adhering the right labels will draw attention to brands sitting on retail shelves coast to coast. That’s why it’s important for us to ensure that all of our customers receive first-tier labeling services. It’s just common sense to create greater efficiencies by sticking—pun intended—with professionals who already know the ins and outs of containers. Why not have an all-in-one resource handling your needs vs. going through yet another third-party vendor?

Labeling serves up various vantage points that everyone should take into consideration.

  • Well-made custom labels give shoppers every bit of information they need to make smart decisions—ingredients, instructions, sources, etc.
  • Efficiency. With the supply chain enduring its share of bumps and bruises, having the right information and instructions on your package can halt the possibility of misplaced packages or returns.
  • Safety and security. Along with standing out from a crowd of competitors, labels ensure protection. Impact labels, for example, can be used to detect mishandling of packages. Security labels, meanwhile, will prevent tampering through a more permanent peel-and-stick adhesive backing. UN Hazard Warning Labels provide warnings of any potential hazards—flammable, poison and toxic, just to name a few.
    With our thorough process, we value and understand the importance of being accurate, flexible, reliable and consistent in meeting your very specific labeling needs.

Here’s how our process works:

  1. Labels must be cleanly die-cut and centered on a web of uniform width, with no strike-throughs.
  2. Spacing must be at least .125″ between labels and .0625″ on each edge.
  3. The standard width for the inner core is 3″; the inner core should be 6″ for labels that are susceptible to curling.
  4. The maximum outer width for the roll is 16″. We have a 20″-diameter remote-powered unwind available.
  5. All splices must be done using proper clear splicing tape following Quadrel procedure. Mill splices or factory splices are not suitable for automatic application.

Our labels and packaging look good to help you look great, and you can certainly find the right solution at the right price. Our customers appreciate that they now have a combined resource for containers and labeling. It flattens your processes and speeds up the time to market.

Learn more about how integrating labeling services leads to more efficient solutions to meet your packaging needs.

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