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Priority Plastics Second Choice Supplier

When demand is unpredictable and supply is ever-changing, Priority Plastics would like to be your first choice for best-in-class products and services. When there are container product shortages, it’s critical to have a back-up plan.  In these times when demand goes through the roof and supply disappears, your company can be left with distribution holes – unable to rely on your primary suppliers.

Priority Plastics wants to be your “Go-To” choice! However, we would welcome the chance to be your SECOND SOURCE supplier – NOW, and after the health-crisis settles. We have learned that companies who don’t have a second resource for containers can find themselves in a real pinch when it comes to getting their products packaged and delivered.

It’s been an amazingly busy 60 days. Due to the uncertainty in customer planning, we have experienced big growth in volume in some of our most popular containers. There is a general “lack of balance” in all the usual and existing supply relationships.

We realize that companies who make recurring container purchases have a short lists of “non-negotiable” around product, performance, logistics and price. We understand that. And, customers get comfortable with the process of buying from their old reliable supplier.

Priority Plastics: your SECOND SOURCE supplier

Don’t be stuck without resources when you need them. Call us your “PLAN-B. Your back-up plan. Like having a back-up generator for your plant; or, cross training employees to fill-in multiple job descriptions. Let Priority Plastics be a problem solver when you run into container product shortages.

What we are known for:

Industrial Containers. We are very much in tune with our industrial sector. Our Tight Heads and F-Style containers are engineered and tested for Agricultural Chemicals, Toxic and Hazardous Liquids – as well as Janitorial, Sanitation and Cleaning concentrates. Additionally, these ‘work-horse” containers are certified food-safe and ideal for water storage and beverage concentrates.

Clear Plastic Containers. Favorites in the snacks and candies industry, these come in all shapes, sizes and configurations. We see a growing popularity in the cannabis industry as well for our line of PET and PVC containers.

HDPE Containers. We count customers in the nutritional and health supplement sectors as key customers for our hdpe containers.

What you don’t see: Our Amazing People.

Certainly products can differ from company to company. But, with products that are equal OR better – we think our people can make a huge difference in customer satisfaction.

Priority Plastics is home to hundreds of hard working and dedicated experts. They take great pride in creating, testing and shipping some of the most durable and secure containers in the marketplace.

People do business with people for lots of different reasons. But mostly, People do business with people whom they know, like and trust.

We would like to get to know you and earn your trust.

priority Plastics Second-Source Supplier

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