Our new ISBM capabilities in Priority Plastics’ Portland, Indiana plant continue to make headlines in top industry trade publications. Our technology is national news. We’ve received well-earned accolades in the February 2021 edition of Plastics Technology magazine.
The article highlighted our capabilities for large and wide-mouth containers and drums. The author identified these products as being “new concepts to the U.S. market”. He commented that the newly installed machinery offered “capabilities not seen before in the U.S.”
Improved Capabilities. More Product Variety.
The author poses a great question in today’s packaging marketplace: “How does a company whose business is primarily in stock blow mold containers create excitement in the market today?” He concludes, that for Priority Plastics the answer is to offer new choices to packers and

brand owners that present opportunities for product differentiation while they enhance quality and cost savings.
Plus, he concludes that the pandemic is no reason to hold back on investment in innovation.
This is not the first time our technology is national news. This ISBM technology marks the second major manufacturing innovation in the past two years and the first foray into PET injection stretch blow molding. This installation is in addition to Priority Plastics’ 2019 introduction of new high-speed HDPE tight head container production. Both of these production advances are made possible by imported machine technology previously not seen in the U.S.
Geographic Dispersion. Smaller Carbon Footprint.
The story identified several of the major strengths of the Priority Plastics business model: responsiveness to customer demands and minimizing freight costs through strategic plant location across the country.

Director of business development at Priority Plastics, Nathan Zimmerman was quoted on the sustainability factors of today’s packaging demands saying our products can deliver “lower carbon footprint….with less shipping of air.” He explained that locating closer to key customers saves freight and transit costs as well.
The article also covers the trend toward greater plant automation. Many industry changes are in response to the conditions brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic.
An on-going education process.
Communicating the recent expansion of capabilities and additions to the product line is an on-going project, says Marketing Director, Stephanie Oliva. “We’re currently educating prospects and customers about these new and innovative sizes now available in the US market…we believe these PET products could be competitive to comparable HDPE units for certain industry segments.”
Plastics Technology provides authoritative content on plastics processing practices, technical advances, product developments, market insights and industry news. Their content is targeted to improve the efficiencies and productivity of plastics processors and their customers.